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Продолжительность: 14 min This man is your average guy. Mid thirties, overweight and with an average sized dick. Nothing special. Like most of us, he loves to watch porn. He was tired of seeing muscled men having fake sex with these girls online. One day he decided he wanted to reach out to the girls he loved watching to see if he could meet them in person, and his wish came true. Porn Starlett April Dawn replied to his email, and was in his state for a convention. Lucky break! Arranging for a date, they meet at a Starbucks where his hidden camera shows them talking about each other's personal interests. They hit it off fairly quickly and begin kissing in the coffee shop. They decide to head to his hotel room for some fun. Placing two different cameras in the room, one behind a mirror on the wall, he captures their fun as they makeout before April wants his cock in her mouth. After some blowing of his dick, they move onto the bed for some doggy, missionary and cowgirl riding. She tells him how she loves to be fucked and we are sure that's why she is in porn! April's large tits and round ass are clearly being enjoyed by him and she gets off with an orgasm in cowgirl as well. After some recuperating they are back at it in doggy and he doesn't last long, shooting all over her fat ass. He cleans her up and they discuss their date before showering. If you enjoy voyeur, homemade, authentic porn with an actual guy instead of a male model, and of course a hot chick like April, then you should definitely get this video!